Elevate Therapy2

What to Expect

We understand that coming for therapy or coaching can be a rather daunting prospect.  From meeting a new person, going to a new place, and sharing things which are difficult or that you have perhaps been keeping to yourself for a long time.  It is indeed a brave step to take, and we congratulate you for being at the stage of looking at this information and contemplating getting the support you need and deserve.  To assist in the next steps we have provided some information about what to expect from therapy, and some testimonials from satisfied clients below this to demonstrate the difference engaging with us could make to your life.


We customise the way we work to suit each client, and as such conduct an in-depth assessment which lasts a minimum of 2 sessions (for some, this could be longer).

What’s involved in Therapy

Therapy isn’t just about sitting and talking for 50 minutes a week.  It is often a very active process which can involve trying new things, completing exercises or reading up on things in between sessions.  It can be very helpful, to make the most out of therapy, for you to spend some time prior to each session, thinking about what you want to focus on.

Home exercises are extremely important, as they are a significant part of your treatment.  Most of the work you do in therapy is about the changes you make, and how this translates into your life, not just about the short amount of time talking in session. Not completing home exercises can result in slowing down your progress in therapy.  Don’t worry about getting these exercises ‘perfect’ as they are simply set for your benefit and not being judged.  It is important to try your best with these exercises, and if you are unsure then it can always be a talking point for your next session.

What to Expect from Therapy:

The beginning stage of therapy is more of an information gathering phase, which then allows us to move onto treatment.  Please rest assured that this phase does not last for very long, and usually within a few sessions we have started considering your goals for therapy and agreed a way of working towards them.

Therapy works as a collaborative process where your practitioner can be considered your guide or facilitator.  They will assist in helping you to understand your difficulties more, support in evaluating what you want to achieve with therapy, and help to motivate you to take steps which will create the desired changes in your life.   Their job is to empower you to make positive changes needed in your life, not necessarily to ‘fix’ things.

Ending Therapy:

The beginning stage of therapy is more of an information gathering phase, which then allows us to move onto treatment.  Please rest assured that this phase does not last for very long, and usually within a few sessions we have started considering your goals for therapy and agreed a way of working towards them.

Therapy works as a collaborative process where your practitioner can be considered your guide or facilitator.  They will assist in helping you to understand your difficulties more, support in evaluating what you want to achieve with therapy, and help to motivate you to take steps which will create the desired changes in your life.   Their job is to empower you to make positive changes needed in your life, not necessarily to ‘fix’ things.
